One of our main objectives in starting this website five
years ago was (and still is today) to get in touch with people
who have worked at HP from the birth of the company up to
today. We are interested in hearing your memories no matter
what division or country you worked in, or whether you were in
engineering, marketing, finance, administration, or worked in
a factory. This is because all of you have contributed to the
story of this unique and successful enterprise.
Your memories are a treasure for this website. While product and technology are our main concern, other writings related to the company life are highly welcome, as far as they stay inside the HP Way guidelines.
The contributions made by Edward H. Phillips, Jim Hall, George Stanley, Bob DeVries, Ray Smelek, Dave Cochran, John Minck, Chuck House, Art Fong, Hank Taylor, Betty Haines, Zvonko Fazarinc, Les Besser, James Robinson, Cort Van Rensselaer, Alan Bagley, Hugo Vifian, Dave Kirby, John Uebbing, Bob Steward, Jerry Collins, Bob Grimm, Al Steiner, Ted Podelnyk, Bernie Clifton, Carl Cottrell, Marvin Patterson, John Borgsteadt, John Wastle, Dave Evans, Chris Clare, Wilhelm Jirgal, Roy Verley, Mike Needham, Paul Stoft, Steve Fossi, Hugh Walker, Jay Coleman, Barbara Waugh, Bill Terry, Norm Tarowsky, Richard Anderson, Ken Jessen, Jeff Thomas, John Campbell, David Green, and Giovanni Becattini during their careers at HP are illustrated in this chapter. They are good examples of the type of memories we would like to present on this website.
Anybody Else ? Please get in touch using the Contact US form.
And if you need more inspiration about the work culture at HP, please start by reading the "Inside HP" Narrative written by John Minck. It is THE reference reading for anyone who wants to tell others why Hewlett Packard was such a special place.
The 20 Memoirs below were compiled by the orginal curator of this web site, Marc Mislanghe. They are a wonderful and fitting memory of his vision.
Your Feedback is Welcome:
And if you wish to contact one of them, please get in touch using the Contact US form.