HP Memory Project - Contact Us

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The actual collection, laboratory, and all facilities of the Memory Project are located in Hélette, a small town in the French Pays Basque.

A short-form exhibition of the overall available collection is under construction at this location. This preliminary Showroom will not be open to the public, but will be viewable by appointment at the end of 2006.

A larger museum is planned later in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, one of the most typical towns of the French pays Basque, close to the seaside and 10 Km away from Biarritz, one of the world's surfing capitals.

Paris City to Bayonne is about 800 Kms by the A10 Highway

Paris Facility

To facilitate contact with people having an interest in the HP Memory Project, another location is available in the city of Paris. The Paris downtown facility will provide a pleasant meeting place in France's capital for any foreign visitor.

The Memory Project would like to identify and meet as many of the original creators of its museum's content as possible. Specifically, we would like to identify members of product development teams, manufacturing, production and marketing engineers, and documentation writers of the many Hewlett Packard publications.

If you are such a person, or know someone who is, please let us know. Furthermore if you are planning a visit to France , we will do our best to add a touch of the " HP Way " to your stay .


Your Feedback is Welcome:

For any question or suggestion, please send an email to the following. The subject line should be something obvious (perhaps including HP) so that if gmail puts you in the spam folder I can easily spot it and unspam it. Note that management of the website is now in the United States instead of France.

Scan of hand written email address

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