One more system in the lab . . .
. . . A lot more instruments in the collection
After a very long search, we had recently the opportunity to complete the collection of equipment required to build a HP3048A Phase Noise Test System. Bringing the complete system back to life was a long-term project. The whole process will be described in a next future. It will be one of the main subject for the opening of the Technology chapter of this web site.
The HP 3048A - In one among a number of possible configurations |
HP 3048A
Technical Data 7/1992
The HP 3048A Phase Noise
Measurement System:
A Short History,
The HP 3048A System appeared for the first time in the HP general catalog in 1987, it was the successor of the 3047A which was born in 1983.
The HP 3047A System was built with the first generation of HP-IB programmable instruments. The basic system consisted of a 3582A FFT Spectrum Analyzer, a 3585A, 40 MHz Synthezised Spectrum Analyzer and a 35601A Interface. Everything under the control of a 9836A or a 9845B computer, running a dedicated phase noise measurement program written in BASIC.
Evolutions brought by the 3048A in 1987 were many. A second generation Fast Fourier Transform Signal Analyzer, the HP 3561A, a new Phase Noise Interface HP 11848A, and the choice of an updated software running on HP9000/300 computer or a DOS version running on HP VECTRA PC.
The many possible configurations available in 1992 are summarized in the Technical Data paper shown on the right, and available for download here: PDF File from the original July 1992 release (10.7 Mb)
First Step, Back to Basis
Phase Noise Measurement of RF, VHF and microwave oscillators is far to be the most simple measurement to do on such electronic devices.
Fortunately, Phase Noise Measurement has been one of the many, and very long HP's leadership. As usual in such case, HP technical writing and publication were extensive. By the way, our first job was to collect in the huge source of original documents available the various application notes, product notes, and seminar literature dedicated to the Phase Noise Measurement in general, and to the HP3048A system in particular.
Waiting for the chapter dedicated to configuring and using the 3048, you will find below the scans of the documents which are important for a review of the various Phase Noise Measurement technics.
Cover of AN 150-4 - April,1974
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 150-4
SPECTRUM ANALYSIS... Noise Measurements
From the AN 150 "Grand Classic" series of Spectrum Analyzer Application Notes, the AN 150-4 deals with the measurement of noise. It is a review of the various type of noise which can be measured with a spectrum analyzer.
PDF File from the original April 1974 release (7.4 Mb)
Cover of AN 207 - October 1976
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 207
Understanding and Measuring Phase Noise in the Frequency Domain
Basic concept of Phase Noise Measurement using the instruments available by the ending 1970s. A program for the HP 9830A controller is listed and described in this application note. The software described is an example of how a complex measurement such as phase noise analysis using the phase detection technique can be broken into several parts. This program flow-chart was the base of every further evolutions, and it will stay the same up to the developement of the 3048A system.
PDF File from the original October 1976 release (4.4 Mb)
Cover of AN 206-1 - October 1977
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 206-1
Measuring Wide-Band Noise with the HP 3045A Spectrum Analyzer
Ancestor of the 3047 and 3048, the HP 3045A was one of the first Automated Spectrum Analyzer for which HP developed programs dedicated to the measurement of wide band noise. A program for the HP 9825A controller is listed and described in this application note.
PDF File from the original October 1977 release (1.1 Mb)
Cover of AN 270-2 - March 1980
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 270-2
Automated Noise Sideband Measurements Using the HP 8568A Spectrum Analyzer
The AN 270-2, only deals with the direct spectrum analysis method of phase noise measurement. Using an HP 8568A, HP-IB controlled spectrum analyzer, the application note describes the possibilities and the limits of this, by far simplest, but very attractive technique of measuring the composite AM noise and phase noise of an oscillator.
PDF File from the original March 1980 release (1.5 Mb)
Cover of AN 246-2 - May 1981
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 246-2
Measuring Phase Noise with the HP 3585A Spectrum Analyzer
The AN 246-2 describes practical methods of measuring phase noise sidebands using the HP 3585A Spectrum Analyzer. Up to 40 MHz, the direct spectrum method of measurement can takes advantage of the 3 Hz minimun IF bandwidth of the analyzer. Above 40 MHz, a quadrature phase detection technique is described using the HP 3585A as the baseband analyzer. A program listing for the HP 85 Personal Computer is included and commented.
PDF File from the original May 1981 release (3.9 Mb)
Cover of AN 283-3 - December 1986
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The AN 283-3
Low Phase Noise Applications of the HP 8662A and 8663A
Synthesized Signal Generators
The HP 8662A, born in 1980, remains the HP Low Phase-Noise masterpiece for more than 20 years. The AN 283-3 makes an in-depth description of this synthesizer and of its application as a reference source for phase noise measurements using the PLL method.
PDF File from the original December 1986 release (16.5 Mb)
Cover of Technical Data - April 1984
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The HP 11729B Carrier Noise Test Set
Convenient phase and amplitude noise measurements on high quality sources
An overview of the operating charasteristics and specifications of the HP 11729B Carrier noise test set.
PDF File from the original April 1984 Technical Data Sheet (2.8 Mb)
Cover of the 11729C-2 Product Note
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The HP 11729C-2 Product Note
Phase Noise Characterization of Microwave Oscillators,
Frequency Discriminator Method
The Product Note is fully dedicated to the measurement of phase noise with the frequency discriminator technique. The implementation of this technique with the HP 11729C Carrier Noise Test Set is described as well as the different steps needed to calibrate and make the measurement.
PDF File from the original September 1985 Product Note (8.2 Mb)
The 1985, HP Phase Noise
Measurement Seminar
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The HP Phase Noise Seminar
RF & Microwave Phase Noise Measurement Seminar
A copy of a 122 pages document created in 1985 by Hewlett Packard and produced during RF & Microwave Measurement Seminars.
PDF File of the 1985, Phase Noise Seminar (6.9 Mb)
Insert in the HP 3048A Calibration Manual
Courtesy of the Hewlett-Packard Company
The HP 3048A Calibration Manual
Choosing a Phase Noise Measurement Technique
A copy of a presentation made by Terry Decker and Bob Temple and presented at various Hewlett Packard RF & Microwave Measurement Symposiums and exhibitions.
The presentation starts at page 192 of the PDF file downloadable from the link below
PDF File of the HP 3048A Calibration Manual (9.2 Mb)
The Next Steps . . .
Configuring and using the HP3048A system for the test of various classic signal sources, oscillators and synthesizers will be the next step. It will be the opportunity to open the technology chapter of the web site. Below is just a preview of what could be expected...
. . . Stay Tuned !